Monday, March 16, 2009

A Few Things...

So I got my haircut. I'm kind of torn about it. I considered posting a picture but decided against it. It's parted to the side and I'm not sure how I feel about it...One part of me screams "no" and the other part says, "aww, give it a try." I'm straddling the fence but so far, it's pretty comfy.

AP Euro is frazzling me. I'm not stressing over it, I'm just determined to do more for that class. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!

I love barbecue sauce. It's my favorite condiment. And yes, I knew you were wondering and it is important enough to publish on the internet.

Lately I've been thinking about why I don't like politics. I mean, I've known that I don't like them but I've been pulling a Ms. Bryen and asking myself "why." So here's the verdict: there are too many opinions concerning politics. With opinions come debates and trying to persuade the other person that their view is wrong and you're right. This whole scene creates discontent. I'm a very mellow, peaceful, and tranquil person and in this type of situation I don't like it. I just don't. Therefore, I do not like politics and I do not talk about them.

I'm veryveryvery excited for spring to be here! It's warming up ever so slightly and I really hope it doesn't snow this month. That would be terrible. I'm sick of this cold.


Haylee said...

I understand the whole hair thing! I got fringed bangs not too long ago and I haven't had any since 5th grade! I'm still on the fence about it and I have had them since January. I hope you grow to like your hair!

Luna Moon said...

With the hair thing, you'll just get used to it. You may hate it in a couple weeks or love it, but you'll get used to it.

At least that's how it was when I cut off all my hair. Not sure if I love it, but I came around.

Samantha said...

You'll learn to love your hair. I love that Spencer emailed you. He's so....awesomely nerdy.

Bianka Rose said...

i think that's a great way to describe him.

Leah Beth said...

I love your random comment about barbeque sauce : )