Saturday, October 30, 2010


I was laying on the couch, trying to decide if I wanted to work on physics or AP US history....and I decided that I wanted to blog.

I went to the Vanderbilt quiz bowl tournament. It was horribly unorganized and our team didn't do very well. (It was 80% of my team's first tournament. Cut us some slack.)

But just being there and playing--hearing a question about Tetzel and another about Gustavus Adolphus--made me nostalgic for Michigan. I miss my team there. I miss working with them, winning with them, losing with them, laughing with them. My team here is fine, I like the people....but it's not the same. It's really difficult for me to adjust to a new team. It's a new feeling, a new experience. I'm not entirely sure I like it so much.

I find myself relating to Holden Caulfield quite a bit lately. Minus the whole "excessive swearing" bit....Ahhh, angstangstangst!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Poem

I should write poetry

‘Tis easy as two, three.

I’ll write using couplets,

Then throw everyone off when I don’t rhyme

Or maintain a regular metre.

(Yes, the British spelling.)

And all conventional aspects of poetry

Will never be the same again.

What will all the critics say then?