Two nights ago, I lay in bed unable to fall asleep. In honor of it being New Year's Eve and the pathetic fact that I was in bed by 9, I decided to review my past year. This took me all of-not kidding-two minutes. After the brief reflection, I lay there wondering, "Why does it feel like I wasted a year of my life? Why is it that the New Year always sneaks upon you?" But then I have to remind myself that I didn't waste a year. I saw good movies, went to Quiz Bowl Nationals for the first time, took my AP Euro test, made new friends, got a driver's license, had a golden birthday, a lovely Christmas, and went to Europe. Even though I didn't do a bunch of things that were majorly epic, it was the little things that made 2009 a decent year.
It wasn't great, it wasn't perfect. Just a solid decent.
And I can live with a solid decent. If I were to give it a grade: B+
I think 2010 can pull off a B+ or better.