Sunday, October 19, 2008

I have been Tagged.

I have been tagged by my cousin Deric. So here are my 7 random, unknown, and/or weird facts.
1) I am going through a purple phase where I love the color purple, and it's almost my favorite color. I feel 5 telling people I love the color purple.
2) Deep down, I love to paint my nails. I don't do it very often but secretly I love it when they are painted.
3) I like swimming. I like swim practice. Swimming 500's in practice are my favorite things.
4) I can recite the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice word for word although that's not unknown about me...
5) Someday I want to be either a ninja or Jason Bourne although I will most likely never become either one.
6) I love black and white films. Especially films noir. People may say that the acting is cheesy and the technology inferior but I love it. They were all made back when filming was a form of art, something to ponder over and consider as something more than cheap, shallow entertainment. Very few films today can be really considered as a form of art.
7) I have weaknesses for the classics/antiquity. Classic films, books, and art. I have issues with this modern literature/other media.
So here are my people to tag:
I can't think of any other people to invite that haven't been invited yet. So there it is.


...combustion. But not really. So for some reason today, I spontaneously decided to do NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month). For all those who have never heard of this, allow me to shed some light on the subject. NaNoWriMo is during the month of November where you drop everything and write a novel (of 50,000+ words). Some people fail, some succeed. I was in the first of the two categories last year. I'm excited for November but I'm kind of afraid of it. I have not idea what I'm going to write about. I'm thinking right now that it will be a collection of short stories. Hmmm, I don't know. But I'm determined to succeed this year!