Saturday, December 19, 2009

Little Bit

The name of this post comes from the song I'm listening to right now: "Little Bit," by Lykke Li.

So I love Christmas shopping. I don't love not having more money to spend. But that's OK. I drew my brother Rielly for Christmas this year. I rather like the gift I bought him. At least I think it's pretty good. We'll see.

Break is finally here. I have a whole list of movies to watch, a psych project to start, and quiz bowl operas to finish studying. How much of it will get done? Well, seeing as how I'm getting my stupid wisdom (could that be considered an oxymoron??) teeth pulled three days after Christmas, not much.
I still have Christmas shopping to do.
Any requests?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Checking Out

I don't know if you guys have seen this video or not, but I love it. It's hilarious. You should watch it.

I think after tomorrow-first block-I'm checking out. Forget my song quiz in German, any work in Psychology, or the seventh movie we've started in AP Lang. I'm checking out and will not be back until after the New Year.
Consider this my two weeks notice.