Guess who hasn't blogged in almost a month. I'm always annoyed when people don't blog for extended periods of time, i.e. a month, so naturally it's been really annoying me.

My first semester of college is over.
Conclusion: 18 credit hours are totally doable. Am I doing it next semester? Not as of right now, though that is subject to change. I'm considering adding an Intro to International Relations class however, just because it would fit perfectly into my schedule. Also, I am going to miss Professors Brown and Johnson. I ended up loving my PoliSci class, much to my surprise. Everything I ever thought about politics? Totally changed. That class was so enlightening. I'm really going to miss my Byzantine art history class. I loved Byzantine art before I took it, but I love it even more now. And Professor Johnson is just so awesome. His scope of knowledge is something I aspire to have one day. I also love his sense of humor.
In the fresco below is depicted the Visitation Scene where Mary and Elizabeth, both expecting, greet each other. They happen to be floating off the ground, and Prof. Johnson called it a "chest bump." So amused by this, but it might be one of those things where you had to be there to find it funny....

And then in the scene below, is the Lamentation Scene in which Christ has been removed from the cross and all around are mourning for his death. John's (in the pink) arms are thrown backward and his mouth is open, and I just imagine him saying, "What are you doing!??" It doesn't seem to me to be the "saddest" of poses, and I probably shouldn't find it as funny as I do, but I can't help it.
And I'm sure there's some Renaissance art historian somewhere who just died a little bit, because I implied the Giotto's Lamentation scene is Byzantine.