I was talking to this kid the other day in APUSH, and somehow we (or rather he) started talking about the differing concepts of isolation. The one--solitude--is generally seen in a favorable light, a desired reprieve from the maddening world around you. The other--loneliness--is seen as something to be pitied or avoided; a state worthy of one's sympathy. Regardless of whether we wanted to or not, humans have differentiated between these two identical ideas. They're on the opposite end of the spectrum despite their synonymous nature.
This concept really fascinated me because it's so true. I love how we, as humans, throughout history, have taken two synonyms and twisted their connotations so drastically that it completely changes our perception of the words' meanings. I had never thought of it before. It shows how we can manipulate the English language and as a result manipulate emotion, thoughts, and other aspects of the world around us.
Personally, I have always been one to value the peacefulness of quiet solitude. I crave time to myself, to hear myself think, to not be disturbed by anyone or anything. I think it stems from my up-bringing in a relatively large family. There is hardly ever a dull or quiet moment.
Moving to Tennessee....well, I've learned that loneliness and solitude can co-exist.
Oh--and happy Halloween.