Saturday, November 9, 2013

I just want to put this out there:

Does anyone else think it's weird that people take selfies/any sort of picture at all in bathrooms?

I don't know about you, but a camera is the last thing I want near a bathroom. For multiple reasons.

I just think it's weird.*

*The opinions expressed in this blogpost are solely those of the writer herself, and she thinks it's just plain weird. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My Kind of Feminism

“It is too easy to allow traditional definitions of power to diminish women’s achievements as they have similarly limited women’s opportunities.”

“That women often play different roles at different stages of their lives is one fact I hope this book illumines.”

“We have wrongly measured women’s productivity in the world by male stages of life.”

"That women must keep on responding to the same problems involving their either/or roles as mothers and workers at different times, in different imaginative ways, must become an accepted reality until institutions change. What we have to understand more adequately are the many ways women have of asserting their own values when they are not included in traditional power structures, and how they often attempt to change things when they are."

Eugenia Kaledin, Mothers and More

There are some nights....

...where I find it near impossible to do homework. Granted, these nights do not come all that often. But they sometimes come.

Tonight is one of those nights.

In other news, I found this little gem browsing through my pictures on my computer today.
This is just so true for me. 

I actually found several gems browsing through my old images. I'll have to do a blog post titled "My College Career as Seen from the Pictures Downloaded on my Computer." 
Or something. It's a working title.