Friday, February 18, 2011


Is it terrible that I'm kind of annoyed by my AP lit teacher's inability to pronounce words and names?

She teaches the same books every  year. She teaches the same vocabulary every year. You would think that after seven years she'd at the very least learn how to pronounce Svidrigailov, Roskalnikov, ribald, Ludavico, Gratiano, capacious, Achebe, Okonkwo, pusillanimous. etc.

I have a lot of respect for Kidle's approach towards teaching AP lit. Teaching different books every schoolyear? Nice--I can admire that.  She takes the opportunity to not only expand her students' exposure to literature but hers as well. If I were to teach AP lit, I would totally do it that way. I find myself comparing Coomer's approach towards Kidle's and being dissatisfied with it.

My gosh, this is terribly pretentious of me. I need to stop, like, now. Gahhh. I just can't seem to help it though. Fail.