Saturday, September 24, 2011

"The achievement of true greatness is a long-term process... It always requires regular, consistent, small, and sometimes ordinary and mundane steps over a long period of time."
--Howard W. Hunter

Friday, September 23, 2011

I Kinda/Sorta.....

....really like college. Almost love, but not quite there yet.

I have the opportunity to see frescoes in Pompeii that are closed to the general public. Do you know how badly I am geeking out about that? No, you don't. It's intense. Never before have I ever geeked out this badly. I just want to do internships at museums for the rest of my life.

Also: paper conservation. Old books, making them look pretty again, preserving old books. This is what I will probably be doing in Heaven.

This guy showed us the backroom of the Met in NYC. There was an Eakins painting, just hanging out there, NBD, next to an unfinished eighteenth century portrait and what appeared to be a Van Dyck. I wish this was my backroom, where I just have some BA paintings hanging out like nothing. Sigh.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Weekly Musings

What do Angela Merkel and Martin Luther have in common?
We will have lifesize cardboard cutouts of them for German Week at my school. If only they would be there in person. Next best thing, right? Uhh, yeah. I'm super excited.

Only in quiz bowl is one's "nerdy joke" derailed as being "nerdy." Contrary to popular belief, electrons can be Catholic, because they do--in fact--have mass, even if it is negligible.

Abigale has a most insightful take on Jason Bourne's girlfriend Marie's death: "He finally finds someone who wants to be with him, and then she dies. It's like bye-bye, see you later. In Heaven. When I die, which will most likely be from another assassin." I love being able to talk about movies with my sister, especially when it involves applying Mormon doctrine to a rather peculiar and somewhat surprisingly fitting situation.

I thought that being in college meant I could listen to a rather intellectual lecture given by a woman with a doctorate degree from New Zealand, without people around me whispering and making fun of her accent. Guess not. I have come to the conclusion that people flirting during class time is very, very annoying. Seriously, guys, it can wait.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ever felt upset towards someone then realized you probably had no justification for feeling that way? So then you stop being upset for a moment, and then slowly but surely that feeling comes back and you just can't explain  or help it. I'm rather conflicted, to say the least.


*I have a Twitter now, so I am definitely allowed to use hashtags. K, thanks.