Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Have you ever wanted to talk to someone about just everything that's going on right now, but you don't know who that someone would be and even if you do try, you don't think you'd be able to articulate yourself very well?


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I just can't deal.

So prom this past weekend. It was pretty great. It exceeded my [low] expectations. The best part was seeing everybody, naturally. But after getting very little sleep, feeling stressed about APs, and not eating the healthiest, I now have a cold sore. Ughhhhh.
But the exhaustion I'm having as a result of staying up until 6 AM on prom night? Totally worth it. You Michiganders should feel so special.

I feel like May has come out of nowhere. Not that I'm unhappy it's here, because I'm actually elated that it's finally here. But everything seems to be happening all at once. Graduation, APs, new job, HSNCT!, college related deadlines, etc, etc. I have so much to think about, so much I don't want to do but need to do, and so much just constantly going through my head. I can't focus very well with all this stuff going on combined with an oncoming cold and constant exhaustion. I'm confused, I'm excited, I'm afraid, I'm sad, I'm grateful, etc. I can't take all these emotions. I am not an emotional type person. They're messing with my ability to function. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (That was me constructively releasing a bit of my frustration.)

I'm really tired, and yet after I got off work, what did I come home and do? Make a powerpoint about Spencer W. Kimball and blog and get on facebook. I should delete my facebook. It's manipulating me, I swear.

What is happening to me? I self-studied an AP last year, and this year I can't even bring myself to study for APUSH. I blame Tennessee's schools and the fact that it's my senior year and the fact that I have all this stuff going on in my life right now. I just need a break....after APs. I can wait until next week.