Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm too comfortable with mediocrity. Then again, it's a solid middle ground. It's a comfort zone of sorts.
But if we all stayed in our comfort zones, would the world progress?
Probably not.
Here's to exceeding my own expectations.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jane Austen, you are perfection

(I sincerely hope the link works.) 
Great Gatsby, I got so excited when I saw this. I think I have an unhealthy emotional attachment to Jane Austen, along with other dead people. 
But seriously, I got the chills when I saw this excerpt from her unfinished work The Watsons. 
Doesn't she have beautiful hand writing?

Monday, July 4, 2011

A Sad Truth

Jersey Shore makes me want to cry.
There is so much in the world, so much beauty, wisdom, creativity, knowledge; so many ideas put forth and so many more just waiting to be voiced.
And yet people watch Jersey Shore. What the heck?!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Too Much Time

Right, so, I'm a lifeguard.
I have too much time to think.
I'm sitting up there on the stand, baking underneath the hot sun, reapplying sunscreen every fifteen minutes (or so it feels), and there isn't much to do....other than think.

I have a lot to think about right now. I feel like my life is in this transition phase. I have so many options ahead of me, so many choices, so many decisions. It's a matter of what, when, and mostly how.

I have an opportunity to go back to Michigan this summer for a few days....but I really don't know.  One part of me says YES and the other part hesitates. I'm not very good at saying good-bye. Then there's the issue of the cost. I hate money. I should be Amish. Any thoughts? Please?

Reality is a slap on the face, a rude awakening.
But it's not so bad if we take time to notice the small things and maintain an attitude of gratitude.