Friday, March 20, 2009

Ibsen and Other Things

Today is Henrik Ibsen's birthday. He's my favorite play-right. I haven't read anything by him but he's still my favorite. I'm considering throwing a birthday party for him but I'm not sure... Maybe I'll make cake. I have a feeling I'm going to be eating a lot of cake this weekend. 

I have a Hartland Tournament tomorrow for quiz bowl so, naturally, I'm excited. I think we'll do pretty well. 

Civics with Mr. Kane is a horrible class. 

And did you know that the Roman emperor Nero was supposedly playing a violin as Rome burned to the ground? But the violin wasn't even invented yet so he actually couldn't have done that....Just a point of interest. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I have discovered my haven on the internet. It may sound totally droll and boring to you but I love it. It's this blog/website named "You Can't Call It It" and this lady basically posts different names under different categories. She puts fun facts about some names or certain reasons why this would make a great name. It's a fun blog and I love it but then again, I love names. Here are some of my favorites right now:

Adelaide- classic but I love. Plus I have an Adelaide on Sims 2 (she's married to Pablo Garcia and has 3 children: Camille, Cooper, and Cody...)

Alphonse- sounds like the hero in some romance but nonetheless I like

Anona-it's a pan gram!

Atlas-reminds me of Atlas Farnese; just sounds like a solid name

Aubin-something new but rustic sounding; means "white" Latin

Bertram-Edmund from Mansfield Park? Or Hero's husband in All's Well That Ends Well? Both jerks with nice names.

Beatrice-hmmm....from Much Ado About Nothing? Or just a classic, underrated "B" name? Both.

Bernadette-another underrated classic, underrated "B" name that just sounds unique. Although I don't think I'd name my own child this...

Bianka- ... ... I really like this name, especially the German spelling ;)

Charlotta OR Charlotte- just a pretty, classic name.

Coco-Chanel? Enough said.

Colin-Firth? Mr. Darcy? Just say yes.

Dahlia-a new name to me but I like.

Daylee-it sounds like a last name but I like this spelling, plus it makes it seem more like a first name as opposed to a last name.

Ellington- Duke? Jazz? Yes. Plus I think it's a cool name.

Evangeline-Epic poem by Longfellow plus I like it.

Ezora-This name kind of seemed weird to me at first but now I really like it...

Fergus-This name makes me laugh.

Genevieve-French + sophisticated = love.

Georgianna-Mr.Darcy's sister, nothing to do with it of course

India- it's a great country...? And I like it for a girl's name.

Jacques-classic French name

Jasper- another cool name that I like and think is underrated.

Jethro-Tull? It's a good band.... Plus it's a character from one of my favorite books, Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt

Kieran- once again, new and cool.

King/Kingston- Jamaica?

Lola-more of a little girl's name but it's cute.

Luca-I just like it.

Oberon-King of the Fairies in A Midsummer's Night Dream

Olivia-always been a favorite of mine

Ophelia-Hamlet's love in Hamlet plus a pretty, unique name

Primrose-Sounds "prim" and proper. Another name that I probably wouldn't name my child.

Scarlett-O'Hara, Gone With the Wind. Yes
Tallulah-unique and original

Viola- Sebastien's twin sister in Twelfth Night...I feel like I have too many Shakespearean names... Plus it's a great instrument.

Viridian- it's a cool name I think

Willow- I like it but for some reason it reminds me of Sarah Palin...are one of her children named this?
So there are a few... Yes, mother, I know that in order to name children I have to have children first. But I have some great potential Sims 2/3 names.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Icky Icky

I'm sick today. Well, not really sick. Just in too much pain to go to school. My mom thinks it's appendicitis. I think it's a genetic thing and she had her appendix taken out so I guess it could be. All I know is, I slept horribly last night because I have this huge pain in my abdomen and I still have that huge pain. I have this horrible headache too. It's annoying. All I know is, I'm going to Hartland Saturday. For sure.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Few Things...

So I got my haircut. I'm kind of torn about it. I considered posting a picture but decided against it. It's parted to the side and I'm not sure how I feel about it...One part of me screams "no" and the other part says, "aww, give it a try." I'm straddling the fence but so far, it's pretty comfy.

AP Euro is frazzling me. I'm not stressing over it, I'm just determined to do more for that class. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!

I love barbecue sauce. It's my favorite condiment. And yes, I knew you were wondering and it is important enough to publish on the internet.

Lately I've been thinking about why I don't like politics. I mean, I've known that I don't like them but I've been pulling a Ms. Bryen and asking myself "why." So here's the verdict: there are too many opinions concerning politics. With opinions come debates and trying to persuade the other person that their view is wrong and you're right. This whole scene creates discontent. I'm a very mellow, peaceful, and tranquil person and in this type of situation I don't like it. I just don't. Therefore, I do not like politics and I do not talk about them.

I'm veryveryvery excited for spring to be here! It's warming up ever so slightly and I really hope it doesn't snow this month. That would be terrible. I'm sick of this cold.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Epic Adventure Pictures

Yesterday, Andrea, Samantha, and I went on an epic adventure. It was fantabulous. Here are some pictures:
First, thanks to Andrea for taking all of the pictures!

Cadbury eggs!!!

The tire swing....

I'm a train conductor.

More shoes-including Andrea's!!!

More shoes!

"I'm Charles Lindbergh!"


The epitome of coolness.

Ninja pose!!!

Searching for something....

In the comfy blue swing, meant for small babies.

On the monkeybars.

Pretty much the coolest picture of Samantha ever.

My two-tone grey Vans!!

"I'm losing my grip! I'm falling! AHH!"

Really stuck in the coiled ladder thingy...

Hitler youth...?

Stuck in the coiled ladder thingy...

Her hair is almost touching the ground!!!

Try not to be jealous.