I have discovered my haven on the internet. It may sound totally droll and boring to you but I love it. It's this blog/website named "
You Can't Call It It" and this lady basically posts different names under different categories. She puts fun facts about some names or certain reasons why this would make a great name. It's a fun blog and I love it but then again, I love names. Here are some of my favorites right now:
Adelaide- classic but I love. Plus I have an Adelaide on Sims 2 (she's married to Pablo Garcia and has 3 children: Camille, Cooper, and Cody...)
Alphonse- sounds like the hero in some romance but nonetheless I like
Anona-it's a pan gram!
Atlas-reminds me of Atlas Farnese; just sounds like a solid name
Aubin-something new but rustic sounding; means "white" Latin
Bertram-Edmund from Mansfield Park? Or Hero's husband in All's Well That Ends Well? Both jerks with nice names.
Beatrice-hmmm....from Much Ado About Nothing? Or just a classic, underrated "B" name? Both.
Bernadette-another underrated classic, underrated "B" name that just sounds unique. Although I don't think I'd name my own child this...
Bianka- ... ... I really like this name, especially the German spelling ;)
Charlotta OR Charlotte- just a pretty, classic name.
Coco-Chanel? Enough said.
Colin-Firth? Mr. Darcy? Just say yes.
Dahlia-a new name to me but I like.
Daylee-it sounds like a last name but I like this spelling, plus it makes it seem more like a first name as opposed to a last name.
Ellington- Duke? Jazz? Yes. Plus I think it's a cool name.
Evangeline-Epic poem by Longfellow plus I like it.
Ezora-This name kind of seemed weird to me at first but now I really like it...
Fergus-This name makes me laugh.
Genevieve-French + sophisticated = love.
Georgianna-Mr.Darcy's sister, nothing to do with it of course
India- it's a great country...? And I like it for a girl's name.
Jacques-classic French name
Jasper- another cool name that I like and think is underrated.
Jethro-Tull? It's a good band.... Plus it's a character from one of my favorite books, Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt
Kieran- once again, new and cool.
King/Kingston- Jamaica?
Lola-more of a little girl's name but it's cute.
Luca-I just like it.
Oberon-King of the Fairies in A Midsummer's Night Dream
Olivia-always been a favorite of mine
Ophelia-Hamlet's love in Hamlet plus a pretty, unique name
Primrose-Sounds "prim" and proper. Another name that I probably wouldn't name my child.
Scarlett-O'Hara, Gone With the Wind. Yes
Tallulah-unique and original
Viola- Sebastien's twin sister in Twelfth Night...I feel like I have too many Shakespearean names... Plus it's a great instrument.
Viridian- it's a cool name I think
Willow- I like it but for some reason it reminds me of Sarah Palin...are one of her children named this?
So there are a few... Yes, mother, I know that in order to name children I have to have children first. But I have some great potential Sims 2/3 names.