Yesterday, Andrea, Samantha, and I went on an epic adventure. It was fantabulous. Here are some pictures:

First, thanks to Andrea for taking all of the pictures!

Cadbury eggs!!!

The tire swing....

I'm a train conductor.

More shoes-including Andrea's!!!

More shoes!

"I'm Charles Lindbergh!"


The epitome of coolness.

Ninja pose!!!

Searching for something....

In the comfy blue swing, meant for small babies.

On the monkeybars.

Pretty much the coolest picture of Samantha ever.
My two-tone grey Vans!!

"I'm losing my grip! I'm falling! AHH!"

Really stuck in the coiled ladder thingy...

Hitler youth...?

Stuck in the coiled ladder thingy...

Her hair is almost touching the ground!!!

Try not to be jealous.
Ugh. No pictures of me! Especially bad ones.
But the other pictures made me laugh. That was an awesome day.
Just get rid of the one of me.
Those are some epicly awesome pictures. Did you put them on facebook?
Andrea: no.
Samantha: I did not. Did you want me to? Would that be easier for you to save certain pictures? I can if you would like me to.
It's your fault when I get stalked, raped and murdered.
(Facebook! Everyday, Emaline!)
I take full responsibility. And I'll bring you cookies in your time of need (unless you're murdered and in that case, I can't really do anything other than write your epitaph for your funeral/grave).
=I I love the Hitler youth joke and the one about being jealous...
(I put that to bug you)
yeah-i hope so.
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