Saturday, November 12, 2011

Life is a Maze

So this is me. On campus. On a Saturday. Doing homework. Left the apartment at 8:30, and seven hours later here I am. Not as bad as one might think, actually.

And yes, I know, I woke up freakishly early for a Saturday morning.

I'm having a dilemma about next semester.
What do I want to take and how many credits?
I'm almost tempted to take 18.5. I just can't decide. I thought I wanted to take Intro to International Politics, then I thought a linguistics course would be interesting. Then I saw this movie today, Being in the World, and now I want to take a philosophy class. Philosophy is so abstract, it's not concrete whatsoever with the result being you can say whatever you want. I'm loving this concept right now. And then I thought a ballroom dance class would be fun. I have many issues with this, mainly I'm way too inhibited and I don't That could change though, right? Then I thought I could take an intro to drawing or sculpture class. I have this theory I'm still formulating, but I think one gains a greater appreciation and understanding of art if one experiences the process.

So yeah, if I took one of the three classes above plus a ballroom dance class, that would put me at 18.5. Is this allowed at BYU? Shrugs in lack of resolution/answer.
I'm also toying with the idea of doing an internship in the winter or spring/summer semester at the Springville art museum. They have a large collection of newly obtained paintings from the Soviet era. I would absolutely love to get a closer, first-hand look and understanding of those works.

Clearly I cannot make decisions very well. If I paid someone five dollars, do you think they would make them for me?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Life and Me

I went to quiz bowl last night, and it made me think of March 5, 2011. Probably one of the best experiences of my life. I cherish that memory and am so grateful to have had that experience.

So I'm deciding which classes to take next semester, and I can't decide if I want to take this Art History Theory and Methodology course or if I want to take German at the same time as my friend. The Theory and Methodology course conflicts with the only time she can take it....hmmm. Decisions, decisions. I have an art history test tomorrow in my world civilization class. Is it terrible that I just don't care about it? I nailed my Byzantine art history mid term on Tuesday. I wasn't as good with the dates on this one, but I'm 99% I got them all within the ten year time span my professor graciously gives us.

I found this blog. It's written by one of associate art history professors here at BYU. I love it. Everything she says, I just keep thinking, "me, too." I don't think I've developed quite a love for French art and Manet, however I can relate to her passion and reasoning. It's comforting to know there are me in the world. (That sounded weird. Hopefully you get the general gist, whoever you may be.)

I bought some quotable cards at the bookstore yesterday for some decoration in our scant living room. The walls are so bare, it's painful. Now I just need to hang them up. When I bought them, all I could think of was how my brother Rielly detests words as art. Maybe this is subconsciously preventing me from actually hanging them up. Or maybe I just have a lot of school stuff going on. So, of course, I'm blogging. Right. Either way, something has got to go on those walls.
Anyway, my favorite one quotes Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland:
"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things."
"I dare say you haven't had much patience," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Lately I've been getting to bed before midnight. Last night I went to bed before eleven. Tonight I will clearly be up past midnight. However, I love sleep. I really took that for granted before. Never again.

Basically, I have a lot going on right now, but I'm loving it.
I cannot wait for Christmas break. I'd rather have it without the whole finals, but I suppose that's not up to me.