Saturday, October 10, 2009


I have millions of questions in my head right now, shooting quickly across my mind regardless of whether I know the answer or not.
It's mostly, "Why?"
Why me?
Why you?
Why are you doing this?

But you just can't ask.

I don't understand it. At all.

I have a feeling it really shouldn't be bothering me this much.

((And yes this was equivocate.))

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Is it Really that Hard?

Really, John Edwards, really?
Is it that hard?

You just have to have an extra-marital affair during your run for the presidency, then deny it?

Then you admit to it later and consider announcing yourself the father of her child?

Just to name a few... Mark Sanford? John Ensign? Bill Clinton? Eliot Spitzer? What's your excuse, I mean really?

What are we going to do with these politicians? Don't they think about the reparations their affair will have on their family? Their career? Their overall credibility?
Don't they realize they're in a legally binding relationship?
Don't they have feelings for others?

Whether it's extra marital affairs in Argentina, prostitution scandals, or a stunt like Roman Polanski...Someone isn't thinking....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reason #16

Reason #16 why Iceland continues to be the best:
Emiliana Torrini.
First off, her name is stellar.
Secondly, she has good music (if you're not Andrea :)
Thirdly, she's from Iceland. How many other Icelandic music artists do you know of? Yeah. That's right.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Swim Team

OK so I'm not really sure why I did swim team this year. I really enjoy it but it cuts in on my time for other school related things, such as QUIZ BOWL. This is NOT good.
But seriously.
I'm not even that great of a swimmer. But lately on the swim team, some girls have been...not the nicest, to say the least.
I hate girl-drama. It's ridiculous and totally blown out of the water. But seriously?
So these girls have been... competing to be captains next year. They're just being ridiculous. They plan things without the other juniors and they don't include me, a lowly JV swimmer, in on what's going on. This concerns me, too. The least you could do is tell me what's going on. They just take charge. (Is it just me? I don't know.)
It's so stupid. I really dislike how some of the varsity swimmers talk down to me. Because I'm a JV swimmer? I'm quiet at practice and to be honest, I think some of the swimmers associate my quietness with a lack of intelligence.
But in the end, who cares? Is it really going to matter that you were swim captain? No. So let them compete and be petty about a superfluous detail in their transient high school career.