Like the title says, I was in Germany.
It was great! Fantastisch! Toll! Gut! Bombardisch! Yeah. ...
My favorite part? It's hard to pick.
We went to Berg Nanstein, Heidelberg, Rottenburg, a Barefoot Path, Berlin, Sanssouci Park in Potsdam, citadel in Bitch, France, and the citadel gardens. I loved Sanssouci palace and Berlin was a cool, yet somewhat sad, city. The gardens in Bitch were beautiful and it was just my luck that my camera died on me when taking pictures! Rottenburg was a cute old town and Heidelberg had interesting ruins. I think I loved the historical aspects of everything in Germany. I also appreciated the cleanliness of its big cities. I liked the fact that there was no speed limit on the Autobahn (for the most part) and the sidewalks that were everywhere. The bike tour was fabulous and if you ever find yourself in Barcelona, Berlin, London, Paris, or Tuscany take a Fat Tire city Bike Tour. It was great.
Enjoy the pictures!
Citadel Gardens in Bitch, France

At the Citadel...

The Hohenzollern Cathedral in Berlin

Hangin' with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles; Berlin

The Reichstag

Brandenburg Tor

Memorial to Murdered Jews in the Holocaust

A picture hung over a building to make it look like a building...only in Berlin

An East German watch tower.

Remnants of THE WALL

Checkpoint Charlie

University in Berlin where Karl Marx studied and Albert Einstein taught. Pretty much the coolest building. Ever.

It was a really good book...

In Sanssouci Park...

The Orangery where Frederick the Great entertained guests and grew most of his produce

The back of Sanssouci Schloss

Sansscouci Schloss: the palace built by Frederick the Great

On the Barfusspfad: Barefoot Path

It's kind of like a playground but for adults :)

Crossing the Nahe River

In the mud!

Cask in the cellar of Heidelberg; holds 55,000 gallons of wine

Fountain at Heidelberg

Heidelberg Ruins!


The most photographed place in Germany

He smiled for the picture even though I didn't tip him

Aren't my shoes so photogenic?
