Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Icky Icky

I'm sick today. Well, not really sick. Just in too much pain to go to school. My mom thinks it's appendicitis. I think it's a genetic thing and she had her appendix taken out so I guess it could be. All I know is, I slept horribly last night because I have this huge pain in my abdomen and I still have that huge pain. I have this horrible headache too. It's annoying. All I know is, I'm going to Hartland Saturday. For sure.


Samantha said...

Do they give you morphine if you get your appendix out?

Bianka Rose said...

i don't know. that is a very good question.

Andrea said...

I'm sorry you're in pain. That sucks. We were all waiting to see your new haircut and you never came in! You missed cookies at Quiz Bowl. Appendixes can be annoying.

Why is Samantha currious about morphine?

Luna Moon said...

Oh. That's funny. In an ironic way, not I'm-laughing-at-you-pain way. A girl in my art class today thought she had getting appendicitis too.

Get well soon! You're needed back at school ASAP. For Hartland and so we can see your hair.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so now that you know that I stalk your blog...I hope you get feeling better. :) And, good luck at Hartland-I am sure you will do great!

Bianka Rose said...

sis hunter: since you read my blog, i really think you should invite me to read your blog :)