Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Lately I've been thinking about getting back into piano.
I played for eight years, the longest I've yet to stick with anything, and I kinda/sorta miss it.
(Not all of it though--just the playing part.)
Not the practicing and stumbling through notes/playing the wrong notes/not playing up to tempo part.
But hey--practice makes perfect, right?
I wish I were better at piano, more driven and motivated to perfect my skills.
Piano represents another area of my life in which I am solidly mediocre.
I'm not great, I'm not terrible. 
Just OK. 
I can read notes easily, I can reach my fingers more than an octave.
But it's still average. 
My life is stuck in this mire of mediocrity.
Maybe instead of blogging, I should do something about it.