Friday, May 1, 2009


So I have two potential titles for my book of short stories:

Making Conversation with a Mannequin on the Top of a Swiss Mountain

Looking Through a Window on a Rainy Day, Seeing the World as if it were an Impressionist Painting

Which do you prefer?

This morning on NPR they were talking about the new Jonas Brothers television show that's making its premiere on the Disney Channel tomorrow night. The reporter called it a marketing blitzkrieg. I loved it. I think it describes the whole situation perfectly. The reported also said that "in the show, the brothers are all regular teenagers who go to a regular school and have regular problems....that they sing about." That also reminded me of this.


Zoopsia said...

conversation with a mannequin for sure

Leah Beth said...

I don't really get it...?

Amy Elizabeth said...

write a short story about me.