Saturday, December 23, 2017

Let it be known

I survived my first semester of grad school. It was stressful. There were times when I floundered and felt wholly inadequate, but I'm grateful to be in a supportive and encouraging program. Linda Stone-Ferrier reminded me so graciously that I'm here to learn, and I've really tried to internalize that the past few months. I'm not here because I'm perfect or a full-fledged scholar. I'm here because I'm neither of those things but willing to work hard and become better.

More than anything, I learned that there is so much more to life than grad school. I get so caught up in being a good student and worrying what my professors think of me that I tend to shove everything else aside. But I need to prioritize following the Lord and becoming more Christlike. Daily scripture study and prayer are vital tools in this process. When I'm doing these acts daily and God is my top priority, everything else will fall into place.

One down, three to go until I finish the MA. Still on the fence about the PhD, but I'll take it one day at a time.

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