Yesterday, I may or may not have watched an entire season of Park and Rec.
I woke up, made the bed, worked out, and ate breakfast. I wasn't feeling the cleaning, organizing, or baking that had filled my days earlier this week, so I binged on this wonderful show.
Around 6 o'clock, I went in to make dinner. Dirty dishes filled the sink, I still hadn't fully cleaned up from the baking a few days prior or my breakfast or lunch from the same day. And yet I was filled with a feeling of reassurance that when he got home, Nathan wouldn't be annoyed or disappointed at all. He wouldn't be irritated or frustrated about the messy house or the extraordinarily lazy day that I had, and that made me feel so much better. He's never like that. I'm constantly amazed at the immense love and consideration he has for me. He's just happy to see me when he gets home, no other expectations.
Before he left for work this morning, he did however close out of the Netflix tab on my computer. I don't remember his exact words when he closed out of the tab, but they were loving and gentle.
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