Monday, August 8, 2011

Unstuck in Time

Time is an interesting concept.

Kurt Vonnegut wrote an entire book, Slaughterhouse Five, about a character who was unstuck in time--he moves through time so effortlessly, going from his past to his future to his present without much difficulty, just bouncing along. I can totally see where Vonnegut got this concept. I'm kind of in love with it.

In this movie, IQ, this eccentric old guy claims that there is no such thing as time, it's not real, something made up by humans in an effort to further control nature. This is what I choose to believe about time.

We really can't measure time. We try to, but who can really say if we're successful? Your future is constantly becoming your present, your present instantaneously becoming your past. It just moves on, we can't control it. It's one of the few constants in life, such as taxes and death and change.

Mother Nature has such an ironic sense of humor.

While we're on the subject, I really want a shirt with the words "I find this ironic" above a huge picture of an iron.


Raléigh said...

I think that eccentric old guy you are referring to is Albert Einstein.

rlmax said...

You should DESIGN said shirt, and submit it to cafepress or threadless. It's a good one. :)