I learned today that in the deep South (we're talking Alabama and Georgia) that the American Civil War is sometimes referred to as the War of Yankee Aggression. I don't know whether I should laugh at that or be a bit shocked. There should be a word for such a feeling. If this was 1984-Orwell style, I would make up a word for it by combining two separate words, shortening the English language, and doing my Party a service. It would be patriotic to make new words. That's cool.
My quiz bowl practice got cancelled today. I can't fully express my disappointment. We have one practice a week, and a tournament (Eeee!! Totally excited!!!) next Saturday that we're not ready for. We need to practice! Why can I not pound this into my coaches' brains? Why won't they return my e-mails? Why can't we actually practice with the buzzer system? Why won't they sign up for the Vanderbilt tournament on the 30th?
These are the important questions pertaining to the universe.
Also, I'm going to be eighteen in like...six days. Holyshiitakemushrooms, this sounds old. I know that when I'm forty, eighteen will sound so young, but gosh, it sounds so responsible. I can invest in mutual funds, buy cigarettes, register to vote, buy stock market (yeah, not happening. October 1929 has scared my off), and be tried in courts as an adult. Samantha also informed me that I could move to Great Britain without my parents' consent. That's probably the most exciting bit about turning eighteen.
One, I was going to say fasination-horror about the war, but it's too long for news-speak. Fasin-horror?
Two, I'm sorry your coaches are insane, or whatever. They should learn from Baker how to be a coach.
Three, that is weird! I was just thinking that myself earlier. However, "October 1929 has scared m[e] off" makes you sound like you were alive at that time. Also, you can going to buy the stock market? Lifeguarding must make a ton of money then.
I meant buy stock in the stock market. Yeah, I'm buying Wall Street, Michelle.
Emaline, that's funny because I had this big idea to buy the stock market too! I'm afraid that if you want to buy it too, there will be more compteition, which will drive the price up, which will make it out of my affordability range.
Minimum wage really does add up.
I'm sorry about your coaches. Want me to talk to them about how everyone at Novi thinks their school is crap and how they must redeem their reputation? That conversation would be 7983 kinds of epic. 7, 9, 8, and 3 are all kind of male numbers. In my mind. Numbers are all gendered in my mind.
The stock market is all yours, Samantha.
Yeah, especially with interest.
Maybe you should. I would appreciate that conversation in 8973 different kinds of ways.
Numbers with genders? What an interesting concept. I wonder why that is....
Do you know how much it actually costs? I am deeply curious. It would be the 9738th thing on the list of things I will do in Tennessee.
I really don't know why numbers have genders. It's sort of like how I always think of orange as being green...just an oddity.
May the jazzhands be with you.
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