Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ouch, that really hurt

I was running into the YMCA the other day (Hurry, quick! Get there before they lock the doors!!), when the sidewalk suddenly dropped to a lower elevation. I didn't notice this, and so I stumbled over my ankle, and landed on it sideways.

"Ouch, that really hurt, Charlie!"

I don't even know where that came from, what caused me to say that, or why I said it, but I said a British accent. So I continued running to the YMCA, laughing as I did so and getting weird looks from people as I ran past them.

Now my ankle is sore, and I feel kind of dumb about the whole situation.
But that is a funny YouTube video.


Samantha said...

That is such an Emaline moment. Fall, say something with a British accent (umm...I need a British accent NOW. Add it to the list, kay?) and then laugh.

Bianka Rose said...

British accent added to the list, right underneath "learn how to speak Icelandic."
Yeah....that's me, I guess.

melissa maxfield said...

I didn't know you injured your ankle?
"Sink me"!

Bianka Rose said...

Yeah, but it wasn't anything serious.