Two nights ago, I lay in bed unable to fall asleep. In honor of it being New Year's Eve and the pathetic fact that I was in bed by 9, I decided to review my past year. This took me all of-not kidding-two minutes. After the brief reflection, I lay there wondering, "Why does it feel like I wasted a year of my life? Why is it that the New Year always sneaks upon you?" But then I have to remind myself that I didn't waste a year. I saw good movies, went to Quiz Bowl Nationals for the first time, took my AP Euro test, made new friends, got a driver's license, had a golden birthday, a lovely Christmas, and went to Europe. Even though I didn't do a bunch of things that were majorly epic, it was the little things that made 2009 a decent year.
It wasn't great, it wasn't perfect. Just a solid decent.
And I can live with a solid decent. If I were to give it a grade: B+
I think 2010 can pull off a B+ or better.
A "solid decent"? You went to Germany, for crying out loud!
If I were you, that would have garnered it an A in and of itself.
But then again I'm not you or I would have been the one to go to Germany and awarded my year a higher grade.
And thus we see the paradox!
oops! that was MY comment ...
Did you forget to take your schizophrenia drugs?
Who is leaving these comments from your account?
Also, you need to be more positive. I would give that year at least an A-.
Aaron: ...what?
Samantha: That would be my parents. Apparently the concept of signing out of someone's gmail account into their own does not register. Optimists are always let down while pessimists are always pleasantly surprised :)
I'm not asking you to be positive about the future, I'm asking you to be a slightly less negative person.
It looked like you were commenting on your own post, talking to yourself.
Samantha: I'm not negative. Just simply a realist.
Aaron: Ohhh. Gotcha.
That's what negative people say to prevent the people around them from realizing their true negativity.
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