Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Another Thing I Learnd and my Fat Face

I forgot to mention something else I learned from War and Peace.
Here it is:
  • Apparently, the Russian term for Germans is "nemetz" which literally means "deaf mute." Hence, the Russian do/did not like the Germans. Also, uneducated Russians would apply that term to everyone who didn't speak Russian. Because Russian is the only language worth speaking.
Isn't that just a little bit...hilarious?

So I got my wisdom teeth extracted. It hurts. My cheeks have also swollen, but it's actually not huge. At least not worthy of calling them chipmunk cheeks. Have you ever seen a picture of Luke Wilson? Yeah-my face is a toad face like his.
So sad. :'(


Samantha said...

Russian is the only language worth speaking.
I'm sorry about the wisdom teeth. I had mine done in like..August. It sucks. Eating ice cream is good.

Bianka Rose said...

Eating ice cream is very good. And vanilla yogurt.

Andrea said...

I got two wisdom teeth taken out in 6th grade and before I went, the vocal music teacher made the biggest deal - how I was such a poor thing and I didn't have to sing for a week... But I wasn't afraid. I thought it wasn't a big deal. Until afterwards when my cheeck became the size of a tennis ball! Haha, good times, good times. I remembered I cried because my mouth was numb all day and I couldn't taste my slushy on half of my tongue and it really upset me, haha.

Samantha said...

Oh my. I've just noticed something terrifying about this blog post. Something that is decidedly not-Emaline.
I am very concerned.

Bianka Rose said...

Andrea: Oh, I'm sorry :( But don't you love the things that upset you as a kid? :P
Samantha: ...what?