Gut...Und du?
Gut. I have a Stats test tomorrow.
Oh yeah?
Yeah. I'm not really prepared though.
Because I'm blogging when I should probably be studying.
I know. It's terribly unlike me.
Yes. Yes, it is. It's horribly disappointing.
Well, you know, life is just tiring right now.
I know what you mean.
I can only imagine.
No, you have no idea what it's like.
Fine. Be that way.
I will. how's psychology?
Ridiculous. I sit in the back and listen to Dan's raffish language and his escapades concerning contraband materials. It's very exciting. We had to fill out another Scantron because apparently the machine was being stupid. Even after we finished the sheets, I still got twelve more points added to my score due to errors made by Bonner and the machine.
Yeah, it took my grade from a B- to an A-. I'm OK with that.
Well you should be...
I know. I would be a bit worried if I wasn't. Someone mentioned at lunch that it would be better to not have a 4.0 when taking hard classes, such as AP's. I agree-it takes off the pressure.
Yeah. It'd be great.
Right??? Today Volanksy told me my essay started out great but then got worse towards the end. I know it's true and yet it still made me a teensy bit sad. It happens with almost everything I write except for short, descriptive stories. Why is that?
I'm not sure.
I just suck at writing. I've come to accept the fact that I'm solidly mediocre. I'm OK with it-never been one extreme or the other. I hate it when other people edit my writing. I can't help but think, "I know it stinks. Just tell me that and let's be over." I mean, before she even finished the whole thing she told me I was a great writer. Once she was done she was like, "Uhh, could I take that back?" Sure, Mrs. Volanksy, sure. No problem!
Well. I'm sorry.
Yeah, you should be.
Don't you just hate how life is full of gaucheries?
Yes. And you know what else I hate? The fact that I haven't received my word of the day from in three days. It makes me sad. My inbox is so empty anymore.
I know!
And did you notice what was in there a few days ago?
Yeah....weird. Totally unexpected.
And you were coping so well.
Whatever. That's all I have to say.
Why does that bother you so much?
I DECAY. It bothers me that it bothers me. Did that make sense?
Why am I asking you?
Who knows?
This should probably stop.
Yes. Probably.
Maybe this titivated your blog, if even just a little bit.
You know what I just thought of?
An Autumn/Halloween theme blog layout. (Andrea?) :D
That would spruce things up.
I'm just going to agree to all of the above. Except the sucking part. And trust me, she basically took someone ("Spenny") that he can't organize an essay. Apparently it's just one formula he doesn't understand.
I haven't read your essays, but if they "suck" more at the end
it's probably because you start at the beginning(most of the time) or at least with the body paragraphs and then as you write and write and write...well you understand? It happens to me...conclusions are harddd.
oh, and i love editing papers.
and i'm pretty positive that yours don't suck.
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