Sunday, September 6, 2009

So Yeah

Summer is almost over and I feel like everyone is blogging about school, their schedules, nostalgic summer feelings, etc. But I don't even have my schedule and I'm not feeling very nostalgic.
I'm excited for school to start. The part I'm most excited about? Quiz Bowl (duh).

Time for a ridiculous, eye-rolling-worthy story about a fond memory:

Once upon a time, I was a freshman. We had a seminar about different school clubs that were available. So I go and I visit the "quiz bowl" booth. I had read about quiz bowl in this great book called The View from Saturday and it sparked my interest. That was the first time I saw him.
He's a legend, something any quiz bowler would aspire to. Even though he's gone, we still remember him. Even Peter isn't that good.
So I talked to Robert and considered joining quiz bowl. My friend Samantha went to the first meeting but I didn't. I think I was afraid. Quiz bowl is pretty intimidating. (Psh.) She told me she wasn't sure if she was going to do it for sure so then I doubted my interest. Silly me, I wanted a friend to join with me. But I went to the second meeting and I liked it. Mr. Baker was/is great. It was everything and more I had hoped it would be. So I joined.
To be quite honest, quiz bowl is probably one of the best decisions I ever made. It opened up new dimensions for me. It was quite the eye-opening occasion and being the nerdy geek I am, I love every minute of quiz bowl.


Luna Moon said...

I'm hitting the imaginary "Like" button here.

Andrea said...

At this point I'm more of dreading Quiz Bowl. It's like... this year, now that they know I suck, I won't be captain, I'll be on the white team. I haven't studied, so I'm just stupider... And I haven't finished any presentations because I need to access my school account and I'm super lazy and don't really want to.

I love Quiz Bowl but I feel like I probably shouldn't be in it...

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that you had a great time in Germany and that you are excited for Quiz Bowl. Update often so that I can see how you are doing. :)
Sis Hunter
ps.... please tell your family hello for me. :)