Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Musik Videos auf Deutsch!

Ok, so here are some music videos from German we've watched in class recently.
*Just because I posted it does NOT mean I like the song or video. Just thought I'd share. 
I really like Allein Allein though.

Something Stays-Silvermouth
Alone Alone-Polar Circle 18

The Molecules Dance-Mia

A Storm-Madsen


Kiss me Always-Samba


We're voting on which song we want to be our next. 
We'll see what happens. 


Luna Moon said...

I've only listened to the "Allein Allein" since you recommended that.

I liked it. Even though I understood none of it.

Leah Beth said...

I am having technical difficulties...
(I can't watch them)
so sad