What is it that I love about rain? I don't know why, but I'm in love with it. It's just so perfect... I like to wander in it, get lost. It's just soothing. It's like the color grey. I feel like it describes me well. I'm rather a melancholy person.
We had a QB tournament yesterday. The most I remember about it was there was a Harry Potter question about Diagon Alley and Eshwar buzzed in and said Gringott's. He was so proud of himself at the time, too that he knew the answer. But he got it wrong. It's ok, we won that game by like 200 points anyway. We went up against Huron Valley and lost but it wasn't really even a team. It was this one guy and he knew every single answer that his team got. He was the only one that scored any points. We were creamed by DCD which was to be expected. There was a Mormon question but before the question ended, Andrew buzzed in and said the KKK. I couldn't help but marvel at the paradox that created in my mind. I had great noodles for lunch at Noodles & Co. Andrew is really good at singing the theme song for CSI. And Samantha should have been there when I totally powered a Henrik Ibsen question all because of a "syphilitic husband in Ghosts".
Syphilis! Nice power.
I wonder how Ibsen would feel about being remembered as a crazy guy with a triangle beard and a love for syphilis.
I'm proud of you. Syphilis is pretty cool.
i love rain.
i think Ibsen would be honored if he knew what great buzzes i got from associating him with that.
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