Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This Really Cool Person Named Amy and a Late Tribute to my Father from Father's Day

There is this person in my church. Her name is Amy. Oh my bob, she is soooo annoying. I can't stand her. HAHA JUST KIDDING. (I got several of you guys there, didn't I?) No. Seriously. Amy is amazing. I don't think I've ever told her what I truly think about her so let me do so now. All alliterations aside, Amy is absolutely amazing. She's my other half, she completes me. She is the AWE to my Awesome. She's so nice (everyone knows that, including Amy) and whenever I'm with her, she just makes me happy. It's impossible to be sad around Amy, she's bubbly like soap! I love her for all that she is, even though I don't deserve someone like her, she loves musicals (which I detest), is a major band geek, and is very clumsy. :P What can I say, she's perfect for me.
Now about my dad. My dad is...well-rounded. I think that's a good way to describe him. He's really intelligent. He knows everything. Well maybe not 'everything' but he's pretty close to it. And if he doesn't know something, he's always willing to learn to broaden his already extensive knowledge. He's very handy (like around the house concerning mechanics, construction, and all that good stuff) and if I ever get married, my husband better be as handy as my father or else we will have some MAJOR issues. He's also very strong, physically and spiritually. When he lets me help him on projects, I'll tighten a screw with my faced all distorted and think it's the tightest it could ever be. Then my dad comes along and says, "Oh good job, yeah that's pretty tight," then proceeds to turn it four more times. My dad also has this great sense of humor. I think that's where I get it from...like the heavy sarcasm...the dry humor...the cheesy humor. Yeah, all from my dad. I also get my extremely good looks from my dad. (Haha) My dad is just great, he is the paradigm of what a father should be. I love that guy. Now many of you may be wondering what I gave my father for Father's Day...well I think it was a pretty darn good gift. I gave him.........a kiss on the cheek! Yeah! Saved myself like twenty bucks. All right!


Amy Elizabeth said...

oh my gosh. i feel sooooo loved. thankssss. you're sooo amazing. i hope i didn't ruin it with my annoyingness this week though. that would be really sad :( but i hope not :) you blogged about me!!!!

Bianka Rose said...

you're not annoying, it's called being bubbly like soap. :) and it's all true, you know it is. lylas!