Friday, March 7, 2008

Blenders and Bananas

Blenders and bananas. Yet another random subject on my blog thanks to Andrea. Well, it is called the anomalousness within me so I guess that compensates it. Anyway, blenders. Blenders are the coolest kitchen appliance other than the ice cream scooper. It is and there is no disputing it. Blenders are just cool enough to come in extra cool colors such as red, black (which isn't that cool), and blue. Apparently, according to some kitchen fashion expert dude, colorful appliances are IN style. Talk about a no brainer right there. Bright colored kitchen appliances are the coolest things since sliced bread.
Bananas are so yummy. They are yellow too which is even cooler. They are high in potassium , therefore making them healthy for you. Plus, the stickers on Chiquita bananas are my most favorite things to put on myself. (My favorite sticker says Appetite A-Peel; pun intended.) However, when you put a blender, bananas, and ice cream together you get one of the best things God ever created. A banana shake! I heart those things. Seriously. So yes, blenders and bananas are really cool and I'm pretty sure I've overused the word 'cool' in this post. So instead I'll say, 'Colorful blenders when mixed with delectable bananas create an absolutely beautiful combination!' The end.


Andrea said...

Wow. Whoever that Andrea girl that inspired your blog must be a super cool person.

While I agree colorful kitchen things are awesome, and banana smooties rock, bananas do not. They are icky and gross and should only be artificially flavored or put with ice cream to make a delicious drink.

Samantha said...

Where did you guys get the new layouts? they're cool...

melissa maxfield said...

You are correct ... banana shakes are the the cats meow, striped pajamas, cream of the crop ...
and why didn't I get a colorful kitchen gadget for my birthday??


Samantha said...

my mom has a blue mixer
I don't think it's stylish...huh

Samantha said...

me loves pyzam...
you needs to blog more often...