This really struck me, because I had not thought of this before.
A lot of times, I'm looking for a definite answer, or as she put it, a bolt of lightning. I want this feeling of reassurance or something to happen that will tell me where to go and what to do. Maybe this isn't what I should be looking for. Maybe I should be content with happiness dictating my decision making. Maybe I should be asking myself, "Is this making me happy? Is this what I want? If yes, then go for it."
In case you were unaware, I'm having a difficult time deciding what to do this spring/summer. So I think I'll approach this decision from a different angle. Maybe I'm not sure what exactly I want to do, but I know there are some things I do want and some things I don't want. So maybe I'll think about this, weigh my options, make a list of things I do/don't want, and then make my decision. And then I'll decide which option will make me happiest.
Yeah. Let's do that.
I was reading a book talking about this. Someone prays for something and expects an answer or lightning bolt (i'm one of those people too)
But sometimes our Heavenly Father wants to make the decision to begin with and then pray about it...or to make the decision, act on it and then see if it will work. We sometimes have to have blind faith. He wants us to practice our agency as well as our faith so we can learn and grow from our own choices. I hope I made sense. If not just laugh and move on:)
Decisions are tough. All of them. #deepthoughts
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