So this is me. On campus. On a Saturday. Doing homework. Left the apartment at 8:30, and seven hours later here I am. Not as bad as one might think, actually.
And yes, I know, I woke up freakishly early for a Saturday morning.
I'm having a dilemma about next semester.
What do I want to take and how many credits?
I'm almost tempted to take 18.5. I just can't decide. I thought I wanted to take Intro to International Politics, then I thought a linguistics course would be interesting. Then I saw this movie today, Being in the World, and now I want to take a philosophy class. Philosophy is so abstract, it's not concrete whatsoever with the result being you can say whatever you want. I'm loving this concept right now. And then I thought a ballroom dance class would be fun. I have many issues with this, mainly I'm way too inhibited and I don't really...dance. That could change though, right? Then I thought I could take an intro to drawing or sculpture class. I have this theory I'm still formulating, but I think one gains a greater appreciation and understanding of art if one experiences the process.
So yeah, if I took one of the three classes above plus a ballroom dance class, that would put me at 18.5. Is this allowed at BYU? Shrugs in lack of resolution/answer.
I'm also toying with the idea of doing an internship in the winter or spring/summer semester at the Springville art museum. They have a large collection of newly obtained paintings from the Soviet era. I would absolutely love to get a closer, first-hand look and understanding of those works.
Clearly I cannot make decisions very well. If I paid someone five dollars, do you think they would make them for me?
okay, so i like the idea of ball room dancing ... possibly because i always wanted to take one of those ... but mostly because all refined young women should know how to dance! i agree with the concept of a greater appreciation by experiencing the process ... and you do have an artistic side that you have yet to explore. you need something active, creative, expressive with less academic focus ... balance is important to your being
There's definitely a unique experience that comes with knowing the effort that's behind art. And dancing would be good for you. Ballroom dancing is as you as dancing is going to get. And I'd do the internship. The philosophy/linguistics stuff can always wait.
I know ferris/kendall limits you to 19, but BYU probably does things differently.
I think you fo sho would gain a greater apprecaition for sculpture by taking a sculpture class. I would be interested to see if it's technique or more 3D design type stuff though. Either one might be interesting.
Do it! Take all the classes!
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