I am a vivid and avid dreamer. I think it's because I make it a priority to get so much REM sleep.
But lately my dreams have been particularly vivid, and I'm not sure why. They have also been more taunting.
I hate taunting dreams. I wake up confused with a vague sense of longing. These are the kinds of dreams that remind me I'm not where or with the people I want to be, doing the things I would rather be doing.
The other day I woke up, and all the sudden I had the urge to just leave and drive the nine hours to Michigan. I think this often actually, but this morning the yearning was stronger than usual. I could totally do it, technically speaking. I don't really need my parents' permission....they might be upset with me if I just left with their car. I'm actually pretty sure my mother would slightly freak out. But hey! It's completely plausible [though a bit outlandish].
Next time you want to drive to michigan, I fully recommend doing it.
You and Panda both think that. What other persuasion should I need?
None. Getcha butt over here.
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