Friday, July 15, 2011

Rant o' the Day

Disclosure: these are purely my thoughts and opinions, don't take anything personally. I don't mean to offend or sound pretentious.

So, yeah. Bikinis.
Let's just say...sometimes I have issues with them. I mean, if you want to wear shreds of fabric that resemble your underwear to a public pool for the whole world to see, be my guest. Whatever floats your boat.

However, I have an issue with parents who feel the need to don their little girls in bikinis. I try not to judge these sorts of parents, I'm sure they're perfectly decent and respectable people, but really? They're young, why are you putting them in attire that is not exactly age appropriate? To me, the message a bikini can send is not one little girls should be portraying. They have their whole life ahead of them to wear revealing clothing if they so wish. Let's not spoil their childhood with swimwear that's obviously meant for older, more mature women.

It's borderline amusing when girls wearing bikinis walk or run to the edge of the diving board and, before jumping, place their hand over their chest to prevent their top from coming off. I would just like to point out, for the record, it would be less worrisome to wear a one piece or tankini.

Then today I saw a girl wearing a tank top over her bikini. Darling, just save yourself the trouble and buy a tankini for heaven's sake. It's probably simpler.

"But one pieces are so annoying!! You get ugly tan-lines and they're such a bother when trying to use the bathroom!!"  Um, yeah, those issues are kinda/sorta shallow and easily fixed. Let me know when you come up with a valid complaint against tankinis or one pieces.


Luna Moon said...

I def agree about the idea of little girls wearing bikinis. But you have to admit, going to the restroom with a wet one piece on is a pain in the butt. (A practical concern, especially if you're younger). This is why I like tankinis. You get the convenience of one and the coverage of the other.

Spencer Kim said...

I shall play le Devil's Advocate.

-So... I wear a speedo when I swim with my brother; that's just about the same thing, right?
-One-pieces *are* bothersome. I've seen people in them, and I definitely would prefer to wear single piece(s) if given the option. (Side note: Geez, I thought I was having a hard time with the bathroom even with male swimwear)
-Little children prefer bikinis to one-pieces, especially the younger they are. They're much more comfortable, and if they're uncomfortable, then they may have a negative impression of the swimming pool when they grow up.

Final comment: I've never heard of tankinis (and cannot possibly imagine myself in one :P)