Saturday, October 30, 2010


I was laying on the couch, trying to decide if I wanted to work on physics or AP US history....and I decided that I wanted to blog.

I went to the Vanderbilt quiz bowl tournament. It was horribly unorganized and our team didn't do very well. (It was 80% of my team's first tournament. Cut us some slack.)

But just being there and playing--hearing a question about Tetzel and another about Gustavus Adolphus--made me nostalgic for Michigan. I miss my team there. I miss working with them, winning with them, losing with them, laughing with them. My team here is fine, I like the people....but it's not the same. It's really difficult for me to adjust to a new team. It's a new feeling, a new experience. I'm not entirely sure I like it so much.

I find myself relating to Holden Caulfield quite a bit lately. Minus the whole "excessive swearing" bit....Ahhh, angstangstangst!!!


Spencer Kim said...

Oh gosh, nostalgia... (we just can't get enough of it, can we?)
Michigan isn't THAT great imho, but then that would mean I can't even comprehend what it's like for you...

Bianka Rose said...

I hate nostalgia. It SUCKS.
I think both places have their ups and downs...and it's not so much Michigan that I miss so much as what and who is there.

Samantha said...

Of course you miss Michigan. What kind of person could leave without missing ME?

Spencer Kim said...

Nice, nice nice.
If it makes any sense, I find myself awfully similar to the narrator of "Notes from Underground"

Bianka Rose said...

Do you have a really bad toothache? :P