Friday, December 31, 2010


Well, 'twould seem as if one year is over and another is about to begin. I've been looking forward to 2011 for quite some time, and now that's it finally here I have one thing to say:

What took you so long?

Twenty-ten was decent though, I suppose; had its ups and downs like every other year.

I totaled my first (and hopefully last) car, took some AP tests, went to QB nationals, went to QB camp!, moved for my senior year, went to Utah and saw lots of family....uhh....yeah. Exciting stuff. You know it.
In all honesty though, despite my meager recap of 2010, this past year has turned out to be one of the most important/pivotal/memorable of my life.

I'm excited to see where I'll be next December 31st. Happy New Year.

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