For my brief mid-winter break, my sisters and I traveled back in time to see the Parthenon in its glory days, complete with Phidias' ornate 41 feet tall statue of Athena. Somehow it had been moved to Nashville, Tennessee....It was pretty fun.
I've also resolved to NEVER read the same book at the same time with my sister Leah. Ever.
What'd you do?
It was our own "Back to the Future" trip.
Can I borrow your time machine? There's someone who I'd really like to meet, before he became a big deal and everything. Could this be arranged?
I went to Nashville last February. Did you notice how there is no variety in restaurants; they all just repeat after one mile?
From what I hear, Nashville is fabulous. Most people enjoy the food. Apparently ATAB is not one of them.
I went to Chicago's North Side suburbs, visited Loyola and Northwestern, saw my ex boyfriend. And I lost my iPod. It was eventful.
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