Thursday, October 8, 2009

Is it Really that Hard?

Really, John Edwards, really?
Is it that hard?

You just have to have an extra-marital affair during your run for the presidency, then deny it?

Then you admit to it later and consider announcing yourself the father of her child?

Just to name a few... Mark Sanford? John Ensign? Bill Clinton? Eliot Spitzer? What's your excuse, I mean really?

What are we going to do with these politicians? Don't they think about the reparations their affair will have on their family? Their career? Their overall credibility?
Don't they realize they're in a legally binding relationship?
Don't they have feelings for others?

Whether it's extra marital affairs in Argentina, prostitution scandals, or a stunt like Roman Polanski...Someone isn't thinking....


Luna Moon said...

Notice it's mostly guys doing this here. Perhaps it isn't far to judge them like this? We don't know how hard it is to keep it in our pants.

Oh wait. I don't care if it's hard. You're stupid for doing that. Wait until retirement or something!

Samantha said...

"I don't care if it's hard"
Luna, I am not laughing. Not laughing. Not laughing.
Anyways, I don't think marriage is a legally binding agreement. I mean, from a religious aspect it is, but legally, it can be just a way to get healthcare or a visa. There's nothing legally saying that you have to be faithful to your spouse.