Friday, December 11, 2009

This is our annual lesson on education, but really....

So in seminary we had our annual lesson on education. It's part of the Church's curriculum. We get the same packet every year that talks about salaries with a college degree vs. no college degree, investing early, and college tuition/ACT scores. Our teacher was sitting there telling us how expensive college is and the importance of our test scores. Then she just has to throw in the fact that BYU is only $4,000 a semester for tuition and it's just as hard to get in as University of Michigan where tuition is $11,000 a semester. She proceeds to discuss how this might be a better choice, especially if you have many siblings.
Why does everyone assume that my parents will be paying for my tuition? I am definitely either: working my butt off to pay for college or getting into a lot of debt. Probably a combination of both.
BYU is not as hard to get into as the University of Michigan. They also try to sell you that you have to graduate from seminary in order to get into BYU (if you're a Church member). Bull crap.
The whole point of this lesson is get an education, it's important.
So why did I get the feeling it that is was just our teacher trying to convince us to go to BYU because it's so cheap...This is what I gathered from this lesson and somehow, I don't think that's how it was supposed to go over.

I'm taking my road test tomorrow. Yikes.
Do you like silly string?


Samantha said...

I can definitely see why you're angry about this. It's almost like when you get your license, and everyone asks what kind of car you're getting. Not if you're getting a car, what kind of car your parents are going to get you and pay for gas and insurance for.
College is expensive, and that sucks.
Does BYU cost more for people who aren't Mormon?

Bianka Rose said...

BYU costs the same for people who aren't Mormon. No price difference.

Luna Moon said...

Really? I thought there was a price difference? Guess not.

And yeah. It's stuff like that about church that makes me mad sometimes. Only mine is telling me who to vote for, that using contraception is killing babies, and that abortion is bad. You win. Your college choice definitely shouldn't be affected by church (unless you want it to).

Bianka Rose said...

No price difference.

But the thing is, my church isn't telling me what college to go to. It was just my seminary teacher giving a lesson and I felt like it wasn't very...helpful.
Since when does your church tell you who to vote for? I thought churches couldn't endorse political candidates. When Mitt Romney was running for the presidency there was no one who told us to vote for him.
And in defense of religion, they mean well.

Samantha said...

Churches can loose their nonprofit status if they tell people who to vote for.
Michelle, the way you talk about your church, it makes my church sound like a bunch of saints (if we had saints) are they really that bad?
Also, what if I went to BYU?
That would be epic, I think.

Bianka Rose said...

You should totally go to BYU. That would be hilarious! Although there would be no parties. Just warning you, cause you know, you like to party it up, Samantha.

Samantha said...

I am quite the party animal. I don't know where people get this idea that I'm the kind of person who stays up late reading (of course, I never finish books, the partying has killed my attention span) from. It's quite inaccurate.
I've really been considering going to Western. It's a party school, and I am very into parties.

AssassinsCall said...

BYU seems overrated to me...then again so does Michigan

Amy Elizabeth said...

I vote that there's a price difference.
But, it's not significant.