Saturday, August 1, 2009

Three Dreams

Last night I had a dream that I went to school on the first day and since I had missed my orientation, I had to go to the auditorium. So I went there, and I got my schedule and then I realized that I had forgotten to finish my AP Lang summer assignment. I started writing it down and then remembered that they had to be typed. I started feeling really down because the situation was hopeless. Then I woke up. I felt kind of anxious and I was trying to remember what day it was. It wasn't the best.
This is the third dream I've had about this kind of a situation.
Do you think I'm a bit...paranoid?

p.s. For those of you who clicked on this link: No. I don't like this song. It was stuck in my head yesterday after my sister was listening to it.


Leah Beth said...

i don't get the music video

melissa maxfield said...
