Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Few Points of [Un]Interest

That is what I'm bringing to AP Euro tomorrow. It's lemon coffee cake. It sounded delicious so I hope it turns out good.

I was supposed to work today but the pool was closed due to weather. I'm not complaining. I have to bake, pack, do Biology homework, go over lines for AP Euro skit, and translate "Rock Me Amadeus" into English. It freed up five hours of my time. I'm feeling less pressured now. 

We had the seminary auction today. I didn't get everything I wanted but I got the main thing: $25 gift certificate to AMC 20. I figure that if I go see matinees, I can see five movies with it. Probably my best purchase since my Complete Works of Shakespeare/Rebecca/Sims 3. It cost me 14,900 seminary bucks. I also got some straws, gum, and cheddar popcorn. Exciting, I know. 

I'm working on this  new theory. About technology. It's consuming much of my thought at this moment. 

I'm excited to get Nationals done with. The thing I'm looking forward to the most is swimming in the pool and staying in the Hyatt Regency O'Hare. It looks nice and I really want to swim. I'm kind of lame....

I really like Norse mythology. It's not as complicated or bizarre as Greek mythology, in my opinion. 


Luna Moon said...

save some for the lunch table! Please? It looks good.

Samantha said...

Let's hear this technology theory.

Andrea said...

Good luck at Nationals! You will rock.

The cake looks good.

melissa maxfield said...

And then your mom has to leave you in charge of stuff ...
You are amazing!
The cake looks so deliciouso'

Anonymous said...

Sooooo are you bringing the cake to Sunday school tomorrow? I really think your teacher would think that that would be a great idea. :)
Ok, j/k, I am making a treat as we speak. :)