Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Year

There was never any more inception than there is now,
Nor any more youth or age than there is now,
And will never be any more perfection than there is now,
Nor any more heaven or hell than there is now.
-"Song of Myself" by Walt Whitman
If there's one thing I don't completely get, it's the New Year. Why do so many people make such a big deal out of the New Year? What's all the hoopla about? I guess it's because it signifies the end of one year and the beginning of a new one. There's this quote from Anne of Green Gables and it goes something along the lines of "tomorrow is fresh with no mistakes in it...yet." I suppose that's how some people think of the New Year. Like Walt Whitman says, there's really not the huge of a difference between this past year and 2009. What's different is us. Everyone starts out with good intentions, New Year's resolutions are set in stone and they will be kept this year. It seems like they hardly ever are though. I don't even make New Year's resolutions. People always talk about turning over a new leaf. But what if I like the leaf I'm on? What if I'm ok with the way I am? I'm the kind of person that seeks for a change as I go along and find a better alternative. I don't make big goals for myself simply because I know 80% of the time I won't keep them, I won't truly achieve them. It's just a different digit at the end of 200, it's just a future that's quickly becoming your present. No big difference, really.
Anyway. Here are some 'highlights' from '08:
*Back surgery
*Physical therapy
*Turning 16 which is the worst age ever
*Luke getting his mission call and going to Hiroshima!
*Spending more time with Clayton than pretty much anyone else...
*The Dark Knight, The Spirit, Prince Caspian, Ghost Town, Iron Man= all great movies
*The election and rearranging election signs
*Ap Euro which is pretty much the best class I've ever taken
What are some of your highlights?

1 comment:

Zoopsia said...

"*Spending more time with Clayton than pretty much anyone else..."
when you say that, do you mean... more time spent with me than you spent with anybody else, or you've spent more time with me than anybody else has?
(not mutually exclusive)