I have been tagged by my cousin Deric. So here are my 7 random, unknown, and/or weird facts.
1) I am going through a purple phase where I love the color purple, and it's almost my favorite color. I feel 5 telling people I love the color purple.
2) Deep down, I love to paint my nails. I don't do it very often but secretly I love it when they are painted.
3) I like swimming. I like swim practice. Swimming 500's in practice are my favorite things.
4) I can recite the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice word for word although that's not unknown about me...
5) Someday I want to be either a ninja or Jason Bourne although I will most likely never become either one.
6) I love black and white films. Especially films noir. People may say that the acting is cheesy and the technology inferior but I love it. They were all made back when filming was a form of art, something to ponder over and consider as something more than cheap, shallow entertainment. Very few films today can be really considered as a form of art.
7) I have weaknesses for the classics/antiquity. Classic films, books, and art. I have issues with this modern literature/other media.
So here are my people to tag:
Zoopsia/Clayton http://mastertheory.blogspot.com/
Rielly (if he can) http://raleighriles.blogspot.com/
Samantha http://froomla.blogspot.com/
I can't think of any other people to invite that haven't been invited yet. So there it is.
I loved learning your 'random facts'. Thanks for the share : )
You should blog about nanowrimo. How's it going for you.
October 19? Really? Blog again. The world needs it.
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