Monday, August 4, 2008

Bonjour auf meine casa...

Well for you information, my back went off. I mean, it is titanium so it makes sense. Whatever.
Anyway. I have really nothing else to talk about so I'm just going to do a movie review. First up:

THE DARK KNIGHT. This movie was, how you say, Amazing with a capital a. Christian Bale pulled in another spectacular performance and I really like Michael Caine. I'm a sucker for the Brits, what can I say? Heath Ledger's performance was one of the best I have ever seen in his ever convincing role of the Joker. The cinematography was practically perfect, the lightning just great! However I will say Maggie Gyllenhall's performance wasn't all that memorable-probably equal to that of Katie Holmes'. Other than the cinema side of it, the movie was all around good. Some people complain because it's too long, almost three hours I'll never get back of my life. One comeback: Never base a movie off of its length for it makes no sense. Besides it got a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes which is enough said in itself.

MAMMA MIA. So this movie was rated PG-13 for 'some innuendo.' Yeah, ok, they went a little overboard with the innuendo. Enough is enough. The music was great-I personally thought it did ABBA justice. I was actually surprised at how good the music/choreography was considering no one knew Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, or Amanda Seyfried could sing. The overall disappointment in this was the ending-come on! (warning Spoilers!) Sophie never got married after all of her wedding plans but Donna did. The cast included some pretty big names and the acting was overall good. Meryl Streep's performance was exceptional, I thought. The movie was all in all, OK but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.

So that's all for my movie review... That's probably three minutes you'll never get back of your life so for that I apologize.


Eliza said...

my thoughts exactly about mamma mia. i was so mad that he was gay and that sophie didnt get married!

Zoopsia said...

three minutes of my life? what do you take me for, a fifth grade reader? it's more like 5 minutes of my life i'll never get back.

p.s. you spoiled the ending of mamma mia for me. (insert rolling of eyes)