So I went to Blockbuster video with one of my elder brothers on Friday. We were looking around for a movie to watch. We saw some interesting ones, some were scary looking, and some looked stupid. So we went down a movie aisle and there were these two girls. They were thumbing through the movies and then they picked up one of the Mary Kate and Ashely Olsen videos. They started laughing and bashing the movie and the twins themselves. Then my brother taps one of them on the shoulder and says, "Um, I have that movie." The girls are both speechless and looking at each other like, "uhh...what do we say??" So we walk away and start laughing at these girls. It was funny...
New York City!
Fact of the century: I LOVE QUIZ BOWL. Ok, so I was at quiz bowl last Thursday. Out moderator (the person that asks the questions) said, "Name these cities where these modern marvels are found." So she starts on the list and the first ones are usually the easiest. The very first one was the Eiffel Tower. Duh, no brainer right there! Or for some quiz bowlers at least. This guy from junior varsity buzzes in and screams, "New York City!" What?!!? "Oh sorry, I thought you said something else." Whatever that's supposed to cover up.
Rearranged Marriage: the New Fad
Last night at dinner we somehow got on the subject of my parents' past. We were chatting and my parents were swapping funny stories when one of my brothers asks, "How did you and dad meet?" OK, obvious question. All six of my sibling know our parents survived all Mormon odds. For one they were introduced through their parents. So my mother goes on to tell my brother how her dad and my dad's mother worked at the same place. Then she says how they swapped phone numbers, dates were had, and pretty soon the rest was history. So then my brother pops up with, "Oh, so it was like a rearranged marriage?" Rearranged marriages? I didn't know they existed...
Pun of the Year
At lunch yesterday, we were talking about weird names. People were saying, kind of adding in a weird name here and there. Haha, oh that's a good one, yada-yada. Then my friend pops up with, "I knew a guy named Steel once in second grade." In response to this question, Natasha said the pun that got her the pun of the year award (that's colorful!). "Well, at least we won't have to worry about him getting any stains." Stainless steel! Get it! Hahaha...
That is THEE best pun ever. Seriously. Props for Natasha!
dude, it was first grade
get it right.
sorry sam! and isn't it the best pun? it won her the best pun of the year award!
'tis a pretty fabulous pun
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