Monday, March 31, 2008

The Republic of Pemberley

15 days left

So today was not too bad for being the first day back since Spring Break. A little long and tiresome but nonetheless Ok. Anyway, during film studies this morning (it's an online class so I take it in the computer lab, on a computer) I was searching the web for Mansfield Park text online. Then I found it, read a wonderful chapter of Jane Austen's masterpiece, and decided to explore the website I was on. It turns out, this website ( ) is a website dedicated to none other than Austenites (lovers of Jane Austen). It contains online books for her 6 major works, discussions for them, FAQ's about her works, film adaptations, and many more glorious Jane Austen related things. It's a website dedicated to Jane Austen fans! How much better does it get?? It's very interesting and you should all go there because I know you love Jane Austen like me...

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