Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Post...on MY Blog...about Andrea's new Blog and Nathaniel Hawthorne

I'm not very sure what to write about but I haven't blogged in a while which makes Sam sad. Andrea started a really cool blog and here's the link to it: You should read it. Anyway, I am in the middle of reading The House of the Seven Gables. It is a very good book and comes highly recommended from me. I really like the way Nathaniel Hawthorne writes and his writing is the closest thing to love I have ever experienced. Just the way he describes feelings or characters in his books are just so unique but vivid at the same time. He really knows how to set the mood and keep it throughout his whole book. His plots are like none other and his characters so real. But you probably don't care and that's ok with me cause I heart his writing. So sorry if you read all the way to here because you probably wish you didn't...but now you know one of my favorite if we're walking down to Seven Eleven one day and some guy puts a a gun to my head and says, "Tell me one of her favorites authors or she dies," you will now be able to answer assertively.


Samantha said...

'cause you always get a gun held to your head in rich suburbia.

Andrea said...

whoo hoo! free publicity!